API Development

An application programming interface (API) is a connection between computers or between computer programs. It is a type of software interface, offering a service to other pieces of software.

What is an API?

API stands for “Application Programming Interface.” Before I lose you with a bunch of technical jargon, let me put it in simple terms: an API is a way for computer programs to talk to each other.APIs are used in almost all software, websites, mobile apps, or computer games. Some companies even make money using only their APIs.
In building applications, an API (application programming interface) simplifies programming by abstracting the underlying implementation and only exposing objects or actions the developer needs. While a graphical interface for an email client might provide a user with a button that performs all the steps for fetching and highlighting new emails, an API for file input/output might give the developer a function that copies a file from one location to another without requiring that the developer understand the file system operations occurring behind the scenes.

Types of APIs

Nowadays, most application programming interfaces are web APIs that expose an application's data and functionality over the internet. Here are the four main types of web API:

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let’s take a look at an example of an API

Ever seen a screen like this? This is a Facebook login button, and it uses Facebook’s API to allow users to verify their identity. It essentially lets you skip entering your username and password by using your Facebook account as proof that you are who you say you are. Developers who use Facebook’s API can save themselves time by not having to build their own username and password login system, instead piggybacking off of Facebook’s.

APIs can be used is to show data stored in another platform on your website

Have you ever seen a comment form on a site that looks like this?
When comments are powered by Disqus it means that the website uses the Disqus API to store their comments so they don’t have to manage them, remove spam, or write lots of code themselves. APIs can save developers a lot of time.

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Why we need APIs

Improved collaboration

APIs enable integration so that these platforms and apps can seamlessly communicate with one another.

Easier innovation

APIs offer flexibility, allowing companies to make connections with new business partners, offer new services to their existing market and ultimately access new markets

Data monetization

Many companies choose to offer APIs for free, at least initially, so that they can build an audience of developers around their brand and forge relationships with potential business partners.

Added security

APIs create an added layer of protection between your data and a server. Developers can further strengthen API security by using tokens, signatures, and Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption

We provide outstanding services to create finiest products

Z08 as an organization has served multiple solutions. With its different products and created a benchmark in many industries. Its web-based solutions have created a recognition in the industry all around the globe.